

Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na

Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na - 1 DVD

The story is set in very distant future, in a time when mankind is just recovering from decades of war fought between Earth and a terraformed Moon.The war was so devastating that it set technological progress back by decades if not centuries, which is why the settings don’t look futuristic. Although the world is now at peace, there continues to be distrust between the Sphere Kingdom (Moon) and the Earth Federation. Travel between the two is restricted for diplomatic purposes and confined to a single spaceport on Earth.
So anyway, one day the lunar princess, Feena fam Earthlight, comes to the protagonist’s house for home stay…
Title Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na
Original title 夜明け前より瑠璃色な
Aliases Brighter than Dawning Blue, yoakena, keyorina, akeruri, yoriruri, yoaruri, ruriiro, amaeruna, 夜明けな, けよりな, あけるり, 明け瑠璃, よりるり, よあるり, 瑠璃色, あまえるな, 夜明前的琉璃色, Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na
Length Long (30 – 50 hours)

Language English

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