

Duke Grabowski Mighty Swashbuckler

Duke Grabowski Mighty Swashbuckler - 1 DVD

Publisher: Alliance Digital Media
Developer: Venture Moon Industries
Genre: Adventure


Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler is a classic point-and-click adventure, created with love by an indie team that includes LucasArts alumni. Play as Duke, a pirate who’s had success in pillaging, ransacking, and other forms of piratey goodness, but doesn’t know a thing about women. Help him prove to his crew he has what it takes to become a captain by winning the affection of the opposite sex – a task that is the most difficult challenge this seasoned pirate has faced! Along his journey to “sea-deuce” he’ll have to tame jaguars, fight zombie sailors, and even wrestle a gorilla!


A Sprawling Adventure – Enjoy tropical locations, solve amusing puzzles, and revel in comic pirate mischief.
Episodic Storytelling – Multiple episodes tell Duke’s epic story with hours of playable content.
Full Voiceover – Every wild character Duke meets comes to life with the work of talented voice actors.
Amazing Art and Animation – Duke comes to life with 3D animation and interacts with beautifully realized 2D backgrounds.

Minimum System Requirements :

OS: Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
VGA: DirectX 9.0c compatible
DirectX: Version 9.0c

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