

Grand Ages - Medieval

Grand Ages - Medieval - 1 DVD

Release Date :  09/2015
Genre      : Simulation                    

     Explore a gigantic game world of over 20 million square kilometres,
     plot strategically where to found important cities and  defend your
     kingdom  against  foreign  powers  Raise  an army  and  fight  your
     opponents with knights, archers and cavalry Produce  and  trade  20
     different goods to meet the demands of your citizens  and soldiers:
     such as coal, fruits  and pottery  Research and  utilise  50  major
     technological advancement of the Middle Ages: including  the three-
     field  crop  rotation,  the  low  warp  loom or  the  longbow  Face
     devastating  natural  disasters  like  storms,   fires,  volcanoes,
     droughts,  earthquakes  or  even  the  Black    Death   Challenging
     Multiplayer Mode for up to 8 players It is the year 1050 AD. 

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