

Mount & Blade Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition

Mount & Blade Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition - 1 DVD

 NOTE: Game is made standalone and featuring the original Mount & Blade: 
       Warband and Napoleonic Wars DLC content, all of course fully      
       updated to the latest build!

27-07-2015......Release Date
    Action/RPG.........Game Type
 Viking Conquest Reforged Edition adds a host of new features and        
 content as well as re-balancing and fixing previous issues with the     
 DLC. Play through an all new storyline set in dark, mysterious Ireland, 
 befriend a canine companion and master the art of fighting with the     
 unpredictable Berserker units. Rekindle your passion for Viking warfare 
 and reforge your path in this much improved version.                    
 The Last Tuatha De Danann                                               
 All new story, set in dark, mysterious Ireland where nothing is what it 
 seems and truths are hidden.                                            
 Hofs of the Nordic Gods                                                 
 Visit the holy grounds of the Nordic Gods. Make sacrifices and recruit  
 powerful yet unpredictable Berserker troops into your army.             
 Dog Companion                                                           
 A loyal canine friend who will stay by your side, even on the           
 Start As Leader of a Faction                                            
 Skip the rise to power and get straight into Reforged Editions expanded 
 kingdom management.                                                     
 Crouching and Hunting                                                   
 Feed your men a better variety of food by hunting wild boar but beware, 
 startle these creatures and they\'re liable to attack.                   
 Working (minigames)                                                     
 Out of luck and out of pennings. Commit yourself to an honest day\'s     
 work in a quarry, mine or farmstead.                                    
 New Ambush System                                                       
 There is no greater weapon than the element of surprise; catch your     
 enemies off guard with an ambush attack. Though you must keep your wits 
 about you, or you could be the target of an ambush yourself.            
 Adventuring Companions                                                  
 Companions that leave the player\'s party from discontent may now strike 
 out on their own as adventurers, gathering their own forces and making  
 their mark on the world.                                                
 New Quests and Roleplay Events                                          
 Discover assassination plots, interfere in affairs of religion and more 
 with these new sandbox quests.                                          
 Improved Atmosphere                                                     
 New ambient sounds and scene contribute to a richer experience in       
 historical Dark Age Britain.                                            
 New Items                                                               
 Dozens of new weapons and armours as well as updates to old visuals.    
 Improved enemy AI, incorporating tactics and formations add a new       
 dimension to battles. Shock troops such as the Berserkir fight like     
 animals but in the heat of battle may not distinguish friend from foe.  
 Kingdom Improvements                                                    
 Customise your kingdom's colour, ransom prisoners to the enemy and      
 raise your peasants as a levy army in times of need.                    
 Expanded Multiplayer                                                    
 New scenes and Raid game mode. Improvements to the UI and additional    
 options for server admins to take control of the invaders in Invasion   
 More Immersion                                                          
 Special player traits and the ability to spread rumours to influence    
 people throughout the land. More lively scenes with domestic animals    
 walking around. Extra information about your companions and the option  
 of a second player outfit for use outside of battle, as well as much    
 more roleplay and many more immersive features.                         
 Customise Your Level of Difficulty and Goals                            
 Set your own goals to become an Infamous Raider, Strong King, Beloved   
 Warrior and more. Customise your difficulty options to cater your own   
 experience and challenge.                                               

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