

Venetica Gold Edition

Venetica Gold Edition - 3 DVD

System Requirements
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.6 GHz or comparable CPU
RAM: 2 GiByte for Windows XP, 3 GiByte for Windows Vista
VGA: Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT or comparable graphics card with 512 MiByte VRAM
OS: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista
HDD: 10 GByte


proudly presents
Venetica - Gold Edition
(c) Deck13 Interactive GmbH, Deck 13

DATE ......2015-01-26 Game Type ....RPG

game notes

Set in the fantastic world of long ago Venice,
the young Scarlett falls victim to a terrible
mystery, which begins with the murder of her
companion by a secretive alliance of mighty
necromancers. Thus fate takes its inevitable
course and threatens to throw the world out of

Scarlett finds out that she is the daughter of
death incarnate and is blessed with his ultimate
powers. She is the only one who can stop the
gruesome powers that threaten to destroy the
entire living world.

Now it s your chance to reverse fate! Get ready
for a fast-paced adventure set in an epic world
filled with dark dangers and merciless
adversaries. Arm yourself with mighty weapons,
rally together powerful allies and master the
dark powers of death. Can you conquer the powers
that threaten to inescapably destroy the world of
the living? Follow your path down into the
deepest abyss to death itself and back again,
if you are worthy!

Key Features:
Experience a visually stunning action RPG with a
unique and captivating atmosphere Follow the
hero journey of Scarlett through a rich and
original story Conquer a host of merciless
nightmarish creatures that pounce on the
threatened world in a raged frenzy in
action-packed battles and ultimately confront
their masters Explore palaces, villas and
numerous dark alleyways in a living dynamic
Venice filled with merchants, rogues, allies and
traitors Learn how to use the powers of the
Twilight World and wander between the worlds of
the living and the dead. Put the ultimate powers
of death to your advantage in battle. Use the
advantages of the Twilight World and the
ultimate powers of death Experience an open game
world with dynamic night and day cycles Clear,
easy to pick up rule system and intuitive
game-play Experience a dynamic and open game
world in which you can freely develop your own
character and decide on different game strategies

To become death in Venetica is a calling,
fulfilled by a man of flesh and blood equipped
with special supernatural skills in order to be
able to carry out the duties of the office. A new
death is selected regularly by Corpus , a secret
council. This time however Corpus really makes a
wrong decision: The new death, Victor, turns
out to be a crazed necromancer who manages to
turn himself into an overpowering undead with
seedy tricks and dark rituals and thus attains
almost unlimited power in addition to
immortality. As it is strictly forbidden for the
chosen death to devote himself to necromancy, the
committee revokes Victor s nomination immediately
and declares a new death in his stead without

The power-hungry Victor however does not want to
relinquish his position again. He continues to
practice the dark arts in order to gather
numerous dark and dangerous creatures and tainted
souls from the underworld around him. He thus
succeeds in eliminating the newly designated
death and takes over his power for his own
purposes. The effects on the world s balance are
calamitous and should Victor be able to keep
himself in power its dark consequences are
irreversible. Only a person who has the same
mighty powers as Victor can prevent his
prevailing and vent him his deserved punishment.

Scarlett, the daughter of the real death does not
know anything about her ancestry and the hidden
talents which slumber within her. She is immersed
suddenly in this story due to the brutal attack
on her home village and the tragic loss of
Benedict, the love of her life. It is a story
which she now begins to write herself, a story
during the course of which she unleashes her
capabilities, a story in which she tries to save
Benedict from the world of the dead and a story
in which she must protect the world of the living
from the dark threat posed by Victor and his

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