

Fort Zombie

Fort Zombie - 1 DVD

Fort Zombie is a focused-scope, casual RPG title in which the game world revolves around a single building – your fort – and the mission specific chunks of the small town that surrounds it. Instead of a major city or a vast countryside, player’s focus their efforts on building up a single structure, finding and training survivors, and venturing out into town looking for supplies.
  • Choose one of three buildings – the school, the prison, and the police station – as your Fort Zombie, each one with its own strengths and weaknesses!
  • Real time movement and combat keep the tensions level high while trying to achieve objectives before your characters run out of ammunition, food, or luck! 
  • Dozens of zombies, some with special abilities derived from their half-remembered lives before becoming undead! 
  • Piety, Indiana, a variable 3D town, created using Kerberos’ mix-and-match tile system, for maximum replayability. PhysX® engine adds to the mayhem!

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